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Tuesday, 25 February 2014

How To Increase Website+blog TRAFFIC Easily


How To Increase Website TRAFFIC Easily

Making great article is tough to say the least. If you feel the effort of making good content, you want to improve its value. Value can be created in lots of ways, but generally the more traffic your article generates,the more valuable it is to you. So here’s tips on how to easily boost the traffic to your good content. Using a combined Term Cloud Report plus the Unique Word Visit Influence Report you’ll be able to quickly make an educated gamble by tweaking your titles of pages to increase traffic.  


This offers a visual representation of each search phrases driving the most traffic in your most visited website post.

1) Login to Google Analytics


2) Set the date range to the last 6 months


3) Goto Traffic Sources >> Sources >> Search >> Organic & set Primary Dimension to Landing Page


4) Click on the most visited blog post in report


5) Set the Primary Dimension to Keyword


6) Setup a filter to Exclude that Keyword which are Matching “(not provided)”


7) Select Toggle-view to Term Cloud



This will reveal how many visits every single word is contributing to your popular website article.


1) Login to Google Analytics


2) Set the date range to last 6 months


3) Go to Traffic Sources >> Sources >> Search >> Organic & set Primary Dimension to Landing Page


4) Click on the most visited blog post in report


5) Set the Primary Dimension to Keyword


6) Setup a filter to Exclude Keyword that are Matching “(not provided)”


7) Set rows to show 5,000


8) Export the report as an Excel file


9) Copy & paste the Keyword column to Column A of a new sheet of Excel file


10) Run the following macro on the Keyword column of your report:

<span class=”adtext” id=”adtext_2″>Option Explicit</span>
Dimmy_range AsRange
Dimmy_Sheet AsWorksheet
DimAll_Strings AsVariant
Dimx AsVariant
Dimy() AsString
DimlLoop AsLong, lLoop2 AsLong
DimTemp_Sheet AsWorksheet
Redim y(1)
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Application.Calculation = xlManual
Setmy_Sheet = ActiveSheet
Setmy_range = .Range(“A1:A”& .Range(“A”& Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row)
All_Strings = my_range
ForlLoop = LBound(All_Strings) ToUBound(All_Strings)
x = Split(All_Strings(lLoop, 1))
ForlLoop2 = LBound(x) ToUBound(x)
Redim Preservey(UBound(y) + 1)
y(UBound(y)) = x(lLoop2)
SetTemp_Sheet = Worksheets.Add
Temp_Sheet.Range(“A1:A”& UBound(y) + 1) = Application.WorksheetFunction.Transpose(y)
Temp_Sheet.Range(“A1″).Value = “HEADER”
Temp_Sheet.Range(“A1:A”& UBound(y) + 1).AdvancedFilter Action:=xlFilterCopy, CopyToRange:=Temp_Sheet.Range(“B1″), Unique:=True
Temp_Sheet.UsedRange.Copy .Range(“B1″)
SetTemp_Sheet = Nothing
Application.Calculation = xlAutomatic
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
End Sub

11) It will Extract all unique words from  keywords and put them incolumn B 


12) From Exported Google Analytics report, Copy & Paste the Visits column in Column C of your new sheet next to the original Keywords. Must Remove the total-Visits from the bottom of this column


13) In Column D use the following SUMIF formula & drag it through entire list of unique words:


14) Copy column D & Paste the values. Now use Sort function to Sort By Column D, Sort On Values, Order is like Largest to Smallest



1) Utilize the Term Cloud report to visually make suggestions on words that are very important to keep stringed in (i. e. phrases commonly found throughout a lot of the specifics phrases driving one of the most traffic to your website post). Check out for patterns between largest phrases & then assemble a totally new page title structure determined by these patterns.
2) Utilize the Unique Word Visit Influence Report to take into consideration words driving lots of traffic which can be currently missing from your blog post’s page title, though ignoring Stop Words. This report can show you how on modifiers to consider using to increase optimize your blog post page title.
3) Select your 10 most favored blog posts and take pleasure in the additional traffic, merely via well educated page title adjustment.


The phrase Cloud report guiding many recent page title modifications on my website, I surely could achieve the above final results for three of my popular website posts (when comparing one week to the prior week). It  took about 20 minutes, it was well worth the effort to me. Recently i have created additional page title adjustments while using Unique Word Visit Influence Report at hand and i am anxious to see this results.

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